Sunday, February 12, 2012
This article explains about the need for an international code of ethics, the way in which you will be able to achieve it, and how it adds value to the companies involved. I particularly like the third phase of adding value to the enterprise that adopts the universal code. I've been thinking a lot about human behavior in general and so far I have concluded that nobody takes action lest they are duly motivated by incentives of their own; be they monetary, social, physical, etc. People act when the value of the benefit outweighs the risk or convenience of the means.

I pioneering organization in applied global ethics.

This paper examines the importance of global ethical business responsibilities. The recent public scandals of corporate malfeasance have heightened this need and organizations face numerous ethical issues. Strategies such as codes of conduct, developed by various international entities, can guide multinational corporations in this effort. The authors also analyze various ethical climate and ethical problems. Author concludes that a global code of ethics, developed and enforced by an international agreement is the best means of bringing ethics to international businesses.

This source examines the difficulties associated with the undertaking of creating a global set of ethics by which everyone can agree on and abide by.

Talks about the para-dime shift of international business as globalization currents move us toward a smaller world through faster communication.


  1. Okay, Jesse,

    Good start on sources. Keep accumulating them, and keep going back to your own focus: what are you wanting to discover and/or accomplish by this research? Does this source help you? How? Or, why not?

    Check your sources' own sources to find more material. Keep reading and be sure you have your material stored and organized in an easy access format for use later. (This is advice for everyone.)

    P.S. A pedantic point: "paradigm" is how it's spelled. "Para-dime" is how it's pronounced.

  2. Jesse,
    I have a business ethics text if you need one. It uses the ideas of ethics in business.

  3. Good progress.
    I am curious what specific issues you foresee such a contract encompassing. For example, are you concerned about trade, economics, immigration, labor, military, environment, etc.? Or are you concerned about just what is involved with creating (and enforcing) and agreement itself?
    If the latter, you could easily spend the entire project on the general challenges and problems with international agreements. If the former you could get bogged down in tons of details about each topic (its problems and histories in these countries).
    I guess what I am saying is that I would like to see a preview about the scope of the project. (I think I will do a general post on that idea.)
    That said, good work, I look forward to where you go next.
