Sunday, January 29, 2012

Assignment #1

My two areas of emphasis are Business and Spanish. I would be interested in exploring international relationships between the United States and spanish speaking countries. In the past decade latin american countries have been the fastest growing international trade partner with the United States. With this increase in trade comes the increase in interaction. Interaction between two entities of the same culture is made simpler by the shared code of ethics that said culture has. However, from one culture to another comes a different definition of that code. With this different definition of what is ethical comes, what is often, unforeseen ethical dilemmas. My idea for a primary question to pose is to determine how we can establish and carry out an international code of ethical conduct between businesses internationally with the U.S. and primarily between Latin American countries and the U.S. With an established code of conduct it is my belief that trust will abound, and it is upon this foundation of trust that every good relationship is forged and maintained. Therefore, trade will grow exponentially and make all involved the beneficiaries.